GrowthPoints Strategies

Consulting Services

GrowthPoints helps you to develop your strategy, and grow the team to achieve it

  • Strategy planning and reviews

    GrowthPoints supports executive teams to update their business strategy and build extraordinary work cultures that take you to the next level of business success and social impact. Whether you’re a startup, growing globally, welcoming new leaders or exploring new partnerships, GrowthPoints can facilitate the conversations and decision-making you need to complete.

  • Organizational Development

    Once you have the vision, you need the people, structures and teams to achieve it. Our focus is to empower and grow your internal capacity with services such as succession planning, emotional intelligence and management skills workshops, and group coaching, And it’s always practical; Kate’s 20 years of senior leadership experience is enhanced by a graduate degree in values-based leadership and expertise as a Certified Executive Coach (ACC, BCC and CEC).

  • Organizational assessments

    In times of rapid growth, it’s essential to get an accurate picture of current capacity in relation to future needs. Tap Kate’s expertise as a Certified Management Consultant (CMC) to provide the objective information and perspectives you need on your current state and options for your future. From work culture assessments to governance reviews, GrowthPoints provides the clarity you need with recommendations that help you grow sustainably and align your culture to your business strategy.

Let’s explore which services are right for you.

Sometimes it helps to explore all your options. We’d like to be your thought partner for a complimentary conversation.

Click here to book a convenient time.